Workshop fotografie de nunta cu Keda.Z Feng
PWS (Photo Wedding Stories) si Nikon va invita in perioada 13-14 ianuarie la workshop-ul de fotografie de nunta sustinut de catre Keda.Z Feng, cel mai premiat fotograf de nunta si de portret din Malaezia.
Pe parcursul evenimentului, veti avea ocazia sa aflati informatii despre aparatele si obiectivele Nikon recomandate acestui stil fotografic si, bineinteles, sa le testati.
Originar din Johor Bahru, Malaezia, Keda a luat contactul cu un aparat foto DSLR In 2006, atunci cand un prieten l-a provocat sa “deseneze“ o imagine altfel decat in mod conventional. Din acel moment, pe cand avea doar 20 de ani, fotografia a devenit profesia lui de baza.
In doar 2 ani a devenit cel mai premiat fotograf de nunta si de portret din Malaezia plus multe alte premii cum ar fi:
- Qualified Master Photographers Association UK - Fellowship (FMPA).
- Malaysia's most awarded international photographer.
- Malaysia's top award winner featured on MPA-UK 2011.
- Rest of the World Portfolio Photographer of the Year (MPA,UK)
- Asia Top 30 photographers of Signature Weddings 2012.
- The only Asia photographer win the Top prize of the International Loupe Awards 2012, 1st place & Gold award.
- MPA Awards Overseas Master Photographer of the Year 2014.
- MPA Awards Overseas Commercial & Creative Photographer of the Year 2014.
- MPA Awards 2014 Overseas Classical Wedding winner.
- MPA Awards 2014 Overseas Fine Art winner.
- WPPI International Award Winning Photographer.
- WPPI Online competition 3rd place of Bride & Groom Alone category, 2012
- WPPI Online competition 1st place of Bride & Groom Together category, 2012
- Multiple Award-winning Overseas Category of the year 2010 - (Master Photography Awards UK)
- MPA awards 2010, Overseas Fashion & Beauty of the year award.
- MPA awards 2010, Overseas Classical Wedding of the year award.
- MPA awards 2010, Overseas Classical Portrait of the year award.
- WPPM Best Male Photographer of the year 2011
- WPPM Emerging Talent of the year 2010.
- WPPM Print of the year 2010 & 2011.
Pentru informatii legate de workshop, va rugam sa contactati echipa PWS pe adresa de e-mail pws at sau la numarul de telefon 0723.230.019.

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